Kristjan Karron

UniTartuCS Day

The UniTartuCS Day takes place every year at the end of September. On this day, students have the opportunity to meet researchers and lecturers from different research groups who will present possible thesis topics to our students. It is also an excellent opportunity to establish closer ties with some research groups during your studies. 

This year the UniTartuCS Day will be held on 28 September, 2023 from on the II and III floor of the Delta Centre. 

At the event, we will also announce the recipients of three scholarships. There will also be a counter where you can buy our t-shirts and hoodies. 

14:00 – 14:05 Introduction in front of room 2049 on the second floor.
14:05 – 14:15 The announcement of Reet and Tiit Villig’s and Ülo Kaasik’s scholarships and Cybernetica Fellowship.
14:15 – 16:30 The fair is open.

Participating research groups and chairs as of 26 Sept

  1. Terviseinformaatika / Health Informatics
  2. Teadusarvutuste keskus / High Performance Computing Center
  3. Krüptograafia uurimisrühm / Cryptography Research Group
  4. Infoturbe uurimisrühm / Information Security Research Group
  5. Kodeerimisteooria ja infoedastuse uurimisrühm / Coding and Information Transmission Group
  6. Intelligentsete transpordisüsteemide labor / Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab
  7. Tarkvarateaduse labor / Laboratory for Software Science
  8. Inimkesksete infosüsteemide uurimisrühm / Research Group of Human-Centric Information Systems
  9. Tarkvaratehnika / Software Engineering
  10. Infosüsteemide uurimisrühm / Information Systems Reserach Group
  11. Masinõppe uurimisrühm / Machine Learning Group

III Floor open area

  1. Keeletehnoloogia uurimisrühm / Natural Language Processing Group
  2. Suurandmete uurimisrühm / Data Systems Group
  3. Arvutigraafika ja virtuaalreaalsuse õppelabor / Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Study Lab
  4. Hajussüsteemide uurimisrühm / Distributed SystemsGroup
  5. Hajussüsteemide uurimisrühm / Distributed SystemsGroup
  6. Koostöö Kaitseväe Akadeemiaga / Collaboration with Military Academy
  7. Scaling and Intelligence Lab
  8. Rakendusliku küberkaitse uurimisrühm / Applied Cyber Security Group
  9. Kvantinfotehnoloogia / Quantum Information Processing

Vaba lava

  1. Loomuliku ja tehisliku mõistuse labor / Natural and Artificial Intelligence Lab
  2. Sandbox
  3. Hajutatud ja pervasiivsete süsteemide uurimisrühm / The Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group
  4. Arvutusliku sotsiaalteaduse labor / Computational Social Science Labor
  5. Isejuhtivate sõidukite labor / Autonomous Driving Lab


  • Informaatika didaktika töörühm – room 2020
  • Mobiili- ja pilvearvutuste labor / Mobile & Cloud lab – room 2018
  • Arvutigraafika ja virtuaalreaalsuse õppelabor / Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Study Lab - room 2007

In their own rooms on the II Floor


Students can also take a look at possible theses topics in the theses topic database.

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